sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016


https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3pD68uxRLkMUNIDAD 3: LAS PLANTAS Y LOS ANIMALES

Enlaces español:

la interacción de las plantas con los animales (43min) http://link.edelvives.es/dsjoi
interactivo/partes de una planta: http://link.edelvives.es/flend
reproducción de los helechos: http://link.edelvives.es/uepfo
nutrición de las plantas:
reproducción de las plantas: http://link.edelvives.es/enmxy
actividades interactivas: http://link.edelvives.es/ zaepk
tropismos: http://link.edelvives.es/ubdzk
juego invertebrados: http://link.edelvives.es/xgdbv
animales vertrebados e invertrebados: http://link.edelvives.es/fhfar
el huerto: http://link.edelvives.es/efait

 reproducción sexual de las plantas: https://youtu.be/fvyUvcRwX0E
 metamorfosis de la mariposa:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GuHYB6O2b24#t=14


Plants are essential for any ecosystem. They provide all the energy for the ecosystem, because they can get energy directly from sunlight. They use a process called photosynthesis to use energy from the sun to grow and reproduce. They also must get nutrients from the soil. Those nutrients get into the soil when decomposers break down waste and dead materials. Plants require space to grow and reproduce. 
All other organisms in the food chain get energy from plants, either by directly eating them as herbivores do, or by eating plant eaters, like carnivores do. Omnivores can get energy either by eating plants directly or by eating herbivores.

Flowers : attract polinators and make seeds that will some someday grow into plants.
The stem: supports the plant and carries water, nutrients and plant chemicals.
leaves: have little openings that let air and water come and go.
seed: The part of the flower that holds the seed is called ovary. The petals fall and  the ovary develops into a seed.A seed is a Little case with a plant inside.
roots: hold the plant steady in the ground.


There are several different kinds of plants, and not all animals can eat all kinds of plants.
Grasses are only edible to herbivores. That is because the plants contain kinds of fiber that many omnivores cannot digest efficiently. Many herbivores have specially adapted stomachs that allow them to digest these plants.
Fruit-Bearing Plants make fruit. Herbivores and omnivores can both eat fruit or vegetables from plants, however. Fruit and seeds and sometimes vegetables are part of the plant's reproduction, and generally the presence of pollinators will help these fruit-bearing plants survive better and make more fruit.

Finally, there are a kind of plants called grains which make seeds that can be eaten by certain kinds of omnivores but not all. Humans and chickens can eat grain seeds. Herbivores can eat the whole plant.


Basic Photosynthesis Process Image - Science for Kids All About Photosynthesis: How Plants Make Food and Energy
Plants get their energy in a different way. They use photosynthesis. Here’s how it works:
Plants take water from the soil through their veins, which are called xylem. The water goes to the leaves. The leaves take carbon dioxide from the air into the plant. The carbon dioxide mixes with the water. Energy from the sun helps this process along and turns the combination into a sugar called glucose. The glucose is plant food. It gives the plants energy to grow.

Photosynthesis Vocabulary

Photosynthesis: the process of turning water and carbon dioxide into food 
Xylem: plant veins 
Glucose: sugar 
Chlorophyll: a substance in the leaves of plants 
Fertilizer: contains plant nutrients.

Plant Respiration

 As we can see from the word equations respiration and photosynthesis are opposites. Respiration uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen.

 How do plants make nutrients:

1. Plants absorb water and dissolve mineral through their roots.
2. xylem vessels: are tubes that carry the mixture of water and minerals.
3. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide through pores called stomas.
4. Photosynthesis takes place inside the seeds.

