martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Unidad 1.Los seres vivos/Living beings.

En esta unidad vamos a ver :

Las características de los seres vivos, las diferencias entre seres vivos e inertes, las funciones vitales, las partes de una célula y sus funciones, la diferencia entre célula animal y vegetal,  organismos unicelulares y pluricelulares, los cinco reinos , características de los virus.

Enlaces en español:

teoría de generación espontánea:
microbios y origen de la vida:
clasificación de seres vivos e inertes:
los protozoos:
Erase una vez la vida "el gran planeta celular".
juego de la celula y los tejidos:
video de organismos unicelulares: http: //
juego de clasificación de seres vivos:
video sobre la sangre:
video de protozoos:

Unit 1. Living Beings.

1st session: Characteristics of living beings .draw it in your notebook.

3rd session: differences between living and non living things

copy the text from this video.

4th session: vital functions

Vital functions

1.- Nutrition, which consists of taking in matter and energy in order to grow, survive and reproduce; waste matter and waste energy are produced as by-products. If a living being feeds directly off other living beings (such as animals, fungi and protozoa) it is called heterotroph; but if it takes the matter and the energy that it needs from the inert matter (such as plants and algae) then it is an autotroph. Another way to express this difference is that consumers take in both organic and inorganic molecules, while the producers only feed on inorganic substances.

2.- Interaction is (a) the ability to perceive what is going on in both the environment and the inside of the organism itself, and (b) the ability to produce responses coherent with the information that was perceived. It usually goes as follows: an stimulus is perceived by a receptor → a control centre analyses the stimulus and generates a response order → an effector performs the response.

3.- Reproduction, the ability to produce living beings similar to the parental organisms. It may be asexual (when there is only one parental organism, as in bacteria) or sexual (when two different types of individuals, male and female, are required).

What is a cell?
Previous page Next page Previous page Next page Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. The human body is composed of trillions of cells. They provide structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of themselves.

make a plasticine cell


jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Unit 2: Our Body and Health

We have started this new school year 5th grade full of new resources: books, it, computers...let´s enjoy it.

Unit 2: Our body and Health.

We are going to see:
- the Digestive system
- How our eye functions.
- Healthy habits and illnesses.


The Digestive System.

You click on Human Biology- Module IV: digestive system.
Podéis mirar los otros Módulos también: skeleton, ...etc

Here you can place each organ by moving the mouse. Colocar los órganos en su sitio.

How to draw an eye and learn its parts.

Para repasar el esqueleto

healthy habits song

video para repasar los nutrientes necesarios para una alimentación equilibrada.

Fichas:  Material que se ha dado en clase:

Human Body: Systems (fast facts)

The human body is made up of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs.

There are many systems in the human body:

  • Circulatory System (heart, blood, vessels)
  • Respiratory System (nose, trachea, lungs)
  • Immune System (many types of protein, cells, organs, tissues)
  • Skeletal System (bones)
  • Excretory System (lungs, large intestine, kidneys)
  • Urinary System (bladder, kidneys)
  • Muscular System (muscles)
  • Endocrine System (glands)
  • Digestive System (mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines)
  • Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, nerves)
  • Reproductive System (male and female reproductive organs)
The digestive system begins in your mouth where the tongue and teeth work together to break up the food.  A watery liquid called saliva makes the food wet and soft, and it has a chemical that helps digest the food.

Digestive System
As you swallow the food goes down a tube called the esophagus.  This tube goes into your stomach.  The stomach is a large muscle that stirs up the food.  More liquids and chemicals help digest the food.
After the food has been ground and stirred in the stomach it moves to the intestines.  The intestines are very long and coiled up.  If you stretch them out, they would be longer than you are tall.  Adults intestines are almost twenty-seven feet long.  The narrow part of the intestine is called the small intestine.  The bigger part is called the large intestine.
In the small intestine, the food is mixed with more chemicals and liquids.  The pieces of food become very small; too small to see.  These very small pieces are called nutrients and are absorbed into the blood.  The blood carries these nutrients to all parts of the body.
Blood passes through the body and goes through another organ in the digestive system.  This organ is called the liver.  It is on the right side of the body near the lowest rib.  One job of the liver is to clean the blood.  The liver also sends liquids and chemicals to the small intestine.
Some of the food is left in the small intestine and cannot be digested.  It is then passed to the large intestine.  It leaves the body through a little hole called the anus when you go to the bathroom.
The liquids the body does not use are also carried away.  Blood carries good nutrients and waste through the body.  The waste goes through two organs called the kidneys.  The kidneys help clean the blood.  The watery liquid not used is called urine.  The urine goes into a little bag called the bladder.  Urine leaves the bladder when it is pushed out of the bladder through a tube called the urethra.